1 The structure and organisation proposed for the data template is based on the experience with the ODYSSEE data template used by all EU member countries and of the data templates used by UN- ECLAC for Latin American countries and Medener for Mediterranean countries, as well as templates developed for national energy efficiency agencies in Algeria, Brazil, India and Turkey.
Services 15 16 Top -down data Energy consumption of the service sector units 2009 2010 2011 source LPG consumption of tertiary sector ktoe electricity consumption of tertiary sector ktoe Total consumption of tertiary sector ktoe
Electricity consumption by branch and type of buildings Total Consumption GWh Health sector GWh Hospitals GWh Wholesale and retail trade GWh Department stores GWh Retail stores GWh Wholesale stores GWh Hotels and restaurants GWh Hotels GWh Restaurants GWh Fiancial institute GWh Floor area in service sector buildings hospitals Mm2 hotels Mm2