Due to a takedown notice from representatives of VIZ Media, Inc., the current copyright holders of the Detective Conan manga in North America, DCTP will no longer be producing scanlations of the weekly manga chapters or hosting any Detective Conan manga. Accordingly, all Detective Conan manga chapter downloads and any links therein are being removed immediately.
The forums and chatboxes will remain online in order to facilitate discussion of the series. We will continue to post the latest news and developments regarding the series, but we will no longer be hosting Detective Conan media on this website. Expect all elements of the website to be updated to reflect this shortly.
We thank everyone for supporting Detective Conan and our efforts to translate it over the years. We will have much more to say in the near future and will share more information as soon as the relevant decisions have been made. In the meantime, we strongly encourage fellow fans to buy their local versions of Detective Conan from available retailers in order to continue to support the series as we always have as well.
Thank you for the support,
The DCTP Manga Team