With reference to our discussion in the meeting yesterday, firstly I would like to thank both of you for all opportunities giving to us naka.
I already presented and discussed with P’Wan about the Service Disk performance rating and the given template ka, he agreed with it ka. So, I’ll communicate to all ICAN’s staffs there in monthly meeting next week naka. And let me take this opportunity to ask for your approval to have a monthly meeting with ICAN team there to ensure our service provided and enhance overall performance ka: The objectives of the meeting are as follows ka:
- To communicate ICAN’s policy and updates
- To communicate and discuss about the improvement plan and implementation
- Support required
- Training required
- Others
For this month the meeting will be taking place in their working area on Tuesday 17th February, 11.30am – 1.00pm. So that they can perform all their tasks as normal ka.
The tentative plan of the monthly meeting will be on Tuesday of the 3rd week of every month, 11.30am – 1.00pm ka.
Should you have any recommendation or comment, please kindly let me know naka.
Thank you very much ka,