. Conclusions
For metallic mulitilayers, when failure is produced
gradually, it is very difficult to determine the different
layer failure optically, so we concern the total failure.The determination of the critical load like the ‘abrupt
change in the frictional force’ has to be referenced.
Extensive research carried out by experiments shows
that the inflection point in the frictional curve is the
point where the diamond indenter contacts another layer
of multilayers, It is evident that both friction and
acoustic emission modes can eventually be used for
conventionally critical load determination, but the friction
mode can additionally reflect the changes at different
metallic film layers. The critical load was not
sensitive to deposition temperature and post-heating
process, but sensitive to the number of layers and the
thickness of film. The critical load of metallic films
increases approximately linear with film thickness.
. ConclusionsFor metallic mulitilayers, when failure is producedgradually, it is very difficult to determine the differentlayer failure optically, so we concern the total failure.The determination of the critical load like the ‘abruptchange in the frictional force’ has to be referenced.Extensive research carried out by experiments showsthat the inflection point in the frictional curve is thepoint where the diamond indenter contacts another layerof multilayers, It is evident that both friction andacoustic emission modes can eventually be used forconventionally critical load determination, but the frictionmode can additionally reflect the changes at differentmetallic film layers. The critical load was notsensitive to deposition temperature and post-heatingprocess, but sensitive to the number of layers and thethickness of film. The critical load of metallic filmsincreases approximately linear with film thickness.
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