Marriage registration procedure that Thai?November 3: 37: 22 time: 201 การแปล - Marriage registration procedure that Thai?November 3: 37: 22 time: 201 นอร์เวย์ วิธีการพูด

Marriage registration procedure tha

Marriage registration procedure that Thai?
November 3: 37: 22 time: 2014
Hello, I am ordering this as well I will have a parallel with the document that is being used.

This must be a fan from Norway and CERTIFICATE OF NO IMPEDIMENT TO MARRIAGE.

The steps in this link and read from the fans.
It is the way (q-0150b) that the woman must be signed with a man known to have married or have a child before? Take no more than 2 weeks.


To go to the Embassy of Norway leading UBC II building, Sukhumvit SOI 33 18 (open 9: 00 pm)
(From the right 18 fachan Li had left a big wooden door logo is not so don't accidentally go into elahe squeaking sound of the electronic press) with a document. Like this?
1 copy of passport) and
2) a taxation year of the fan

The Embassy will provide the form filled out to fans as the people do? There is a fee. If you need to do to get the 1100 MARRIAGE APPLICATION and financial officials to introduce a marriage registration procedure, your boyfriend with a list of documents, if there are no good, but who spent 30 minutes was done?


Remove the MARRIAGE APPLICATION to Thai language translation and consular certificate. Lak SI Ka (open 8: 00 pm)

Translate Can translate the page scroll, 2 floor, the Consul and the queue was very quick but it was? Send Dawn has not so much eating bai. Remove the duplicate MARRIAGE APPLICATION Remove the copy translates?

From time to time into the Consulate since the guard and a lot of people it will ask you to do anything.
Then they quote translation door since 200, 300, 400 THB.
They offer a full range of services, with the price of 5000 THB makes all things.
To sit and wait for the document signed at laksi district, only it is!
Select to remove it if he likes the owner? The refusal or crossed the footbridge to the Thai style house on the opposite side, just in case any translation? Equally

Preparing documents to apply for certification
2 translation of the MARRIAGE certificate APPLICATION Thai language)
3 passport copy) fan
4) an approval request Application for Legalization (the point at which this approval, we will.
3 layer. It will be a direct request hai document filled a handful around a bunch of chairs?) The fans fill out and sign?
Quick certificate fee 800 n/a Regular certificate, 400 n/a

Quick approval
Only the first 50 queues. Who wants to wait, since the door does not open a Consulate. Per row.
Enough to open door, ran up 3 floors at all? Sides of the escalators again
The row comes a big stand with Uncle will let go sitting at the first row of chairs arranged together. Fit 8
The first row in front of the pup, it will start to remove a document to submit? The first queue will hit big leg they translate.
Remove before it will be able to make people queue up behind people in this group. If a quick confirmation.
Recommend to 7.00-7.30 am each morning?

Certified translation of the document filed is normally between 8.00-15.00 pm back to get within 3 days or notify mail it. Add postage based on weight.

Approval procedures.
1 3-1 filing requirements) for a ticket queue.
2 rooms to meet the incoming call waiting) officials to sign.
3) call to pay the fee.
4) call for tender and receipt
After this, the officials say, invite, wait 3 hours or more and then come back. Remove the finished 8-7 at ask about 1 or 2 hours, it returned to questions and then it translates the same speed?

Include only certified documents that express this to 7.30 pm 11.30 pm completion?

The registration of marriage.

Select the field, like the majority, I will go to the four principles and bang Rak.

+ Bang Rak advantage is good job officer. There are no illegal files is 490 THB disadvantages are far and away from the main hotel and the four consulates. Long queues to wait?

+ Four major advantages is near the Consulate is working very slow, officials have asked for tea. If there are no witnesses to and ask to buy a file 890 THB.

Things that prepare for marriage registration
1 translation of the Thai fans, parents names,) them?
2) 2 persons with evidence of identification card, signed by the interpreter itself, it has?
3 a woman ID card)
4) passport Division male
Ready to copy
5) MARRIAGE certificate translated and certified APPLICATION.
6) charge 40 THB
Marriage registration procedures.
1) notification of marriage registration officials to come together to make a series 2.
Women's and men's Division Fill in the complete
2) awaiting the officials sit and wait for sign. The witness signing ceremony is a ceremony?
3) don't forget to take a picture standing Shu a marriage certificate had a visa in the next series?

Advanced orders are completed. 2 (County provide layout, copy and past the seal to be used in series 4 visa issued in due course.) And a very nice 3.?
Marriage registration procedure takes approximately 2-3 hours. Depending on the number of pairs that are coming down at the same time, how much?


Go back to the Consulate a document to translate the contents brought fans back to Norway.
2. advanced instructions and advanced 3. To translate and certify, in English. Translated documents with copies of our passports (signed with it) Want to bring fans back to the Norway is married to be considered complete and is therefore translated set 2!? The whole series, fans Another us most filing here?

The same procedure is translated and then apply for certification. A very nice and very nice actually. 2.3, along with a copy of, an localized into English, a request, a copy of passport.
Translation of the charge of 2 x 2 = 800 is the 400 THB.
** Copy, translation, and shop. Really seal from both the translation and the translation copy!? If the shop at the same time, we remove the translation to c-ROK, it will not work?
Quick approval value 2x800 =
1600 THB 3200 Series 2 3 4-total visitors for financial institutions.
2 x plain documents confirmation value 400 = 800 THB.
2 3-day package for 1600 THB
** If incomplete documents. Authorities will not issue permission to the queue, the queue for someone else to. Must be the new cue-card queue: When the full document, which must win the first queue are removed 50 State or cry?


In case of changing the last name and prefix.
To return to the hometown district to request changing the prefix and the extension by the husband and then make a new ID card and then remove the transport took these documents thamai. translation and certified by. In order to prepare the next most do?


Steps 1-5 using approximately 3 days and the fastest life!? This information is from multiple registered partners
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ผลลัพธ์ (นอร์เวย์) 1: [สำเนา]
Ekteskap registrering prosedyre at thailandske?November 3:37:22 tid: 2014Hei, bestiller jeg dette også jeg vil ha en parallell med dokumentet som brukes.Dette må være en fan fra Norge og sertifikat av ingen HINDRING til ekteskap.Trinnene i dette link og lese fra fans.Det er måten (q-0150b) at kvinnen må signeres med en mann kjent for å ha giftet seg med eller har et barn før? Ta ikke mer enn 2 uker......................................................................Gå til ambassaden Norges ledende UBC II bygg, Sukhumvit SOI 33 18 (åpne 9:00 pm)(Fra høyre 18 fachan Li hadde forlatt en stor tre dør logo er ikke så ikke tilfeldigvis gå inn elahe knirkende lyden av elektroniske pressen) med et dokument. som dette?1 kopi av pass) og2) skatt året av viften3) SERTIFIKAT AV NOEN HINDRING EKTESKAPETAmbassaden vil gi skjemaet fylt ut til fans som folk gjør? Det er et gebyr. Hvis du trenger å gjøre for å få 1100 ekteskap program og finansielle tjenestemenn å innføre en ekteskap registrering prosedyre, kjæresten din med en liste over dokumenter, hvis det er ikke bra, men som brukte 30 minutter ble gjort?.....................................................................Fjerne programmet ekteskap Thai språk oversettelse og konsulære sertifikat. Lak SI Ka (åpne 8:00 pm)Oversette kan oversette siden bla, 2 etasje, konsulen og køen var veldig rask men det var? Sende Dawn har ikke så mye spiser bai. Fjerne dupliserte ekteskap programmet fjerne kopien oversetter?Fra tid til annen i konsulatet siden vakt og mange ville den anmode du å gjøre noe.Så de sitat oversettelse døren siden 200-300, 400 THB.De tilbyr et komplett spekter av tjenester, med prisen på 5000 THB gjør alle ting.Å sitte og vente på dokumentet undertegnet i laksi-distriktet, bare er det!Velg for å fjerne det hvis han liker eieren? Avslag eller krysset gangbrua thailandsk stil huset på motsatt side, bare i tilfelle noen oversettelse? LikeKlargjøre dokumenter gjelder for sertifisering1) ekteskap programmet selv.2 oversettelse av EKTESKAPET sertifikater programmet Thai språk)3 pass kopi) fan4) en godkjenningsforespørsel søknad om legalisering (punktet som godkjenning, vil vi.3 lag. Det vil være en direkte forespørsel hai dokument fylt en håndfull rundt en haug med stoler?) Den fans fylle ut og tegn?Rask sertifikat avgift 800 n/a vanlige sertifikat, 400 i/tRask godkjenningEr?Bare de første 50 køene. Hvem ønsker å vente, siden døren ikke åpnes et konsulat. Per rad.Nok til å åpne døren, løp opp 3 etasjer på alle? Sider av rulletrappen igjenRaden kommer et stort stativ med onkel vil slippe sitter på første rad i stoler ordnet sammen. Passe 8Den første raden foran pup, begynner den å fjerne et dokument å sende? Den første køen treffes stor etappe de oversetter.Fjerne før det kan få folk i kø bak folk i denne gruppen. Hvis en slik bekreftelse.Anbefale til 7,00 - 07: 30 hver morgen?Sertifisert oversettelse av dokumentet arkivert er vanligvis mellom 8.00 - 15:: pm tilbake å få innen 3 dager eller varsle innlevere den. Legg til Porto basert på vekt.Godkjenningsprosedyrer.1 3-1 innlevering krav) for en billett-kø.2 rom å møte innkommende samtale venter) tjenestemenn å signere.3) kallet til betale gebyr.4) for anbudet og mottakEtter dette tjenestemenn si, inviterer, vente 3 timer eller mer og så komme tilbake. Fjern den ferdige 8-7 på spør om 1 eller 2 timer, tilbake til spørsmål og det oversettes samme hastighet?Ta bare sertifiserte dokumenter som uttrykker dette til 7 pm pm ferdigstillelse?.....................................................................Registrering av ekteskap.Velg feltet som fleste, jeg vil gå til fire prinsippene og bang Rak.+ Bang er Rak fordelen god jobb offiser. Det er ingen ulovlige filer er 490 THB ulempene er langt og bort fra hotellet og de fire konsulater. Lange køer vente?+ Fire store fordeler er nær konsulatet fungerer veldig sakte, tjenestemenn har bedt om te. Hvis det ikke er noen vitner til og spør om å kjøpe en fil 890 THB.Ting som forbereder for ekteskap registrering1 oversettelse av Thai fans, foreldre navn,) dem?2) 2 personer med bevis for identifikasjon card, signert av tolk, har?3 en kvinne ID-kort)4) pass divisjon mannKlar til å kopiere5) vigselsattest oversatt og sertifisert program.6) lade 40 THBEkteskap registreringsprosedyrer.1) postvarsling ekteskap registrering tjenestemenn å komme sammen for å lage en serie 2.Kvinners og menns divisjon fylle i hele2) avventer tjenestemenn sitte og vente på tegn. Vitnet signering seremoni er en seremoni?3) ikke glem å ta et bilde står Shu en vigselsattest hadde visum i den neste serien?Avansert ordrene er fullført. 2 (county gi oppsett, kopiere og forbi tetningen i serie 4 visum utstedt i.) Og en veldig fin 3.?Ekteskap registreringsprosedyren tar ca 2-3 timer. Hvor mange par som kommer ned på samme tid, hvor mye?.....................................................................Gå tilbake til konsulatet et dokument å oversette innholdet brakte fans tilbake til Norge.2. Avansert instruksjoner og avanserte 3. Oversette og bekrefter, på engelsk. Oversatte dokumenter med kopier av våre pass (signert med det) vil bringe fans tilbake til Norges med blir ansett som fullført og er derfor oversatt sett 2! Hele serien, fans en annen oss mest arkiveringsinnstillinger her?Samme fremgangsmåte er oversatt og deretter søke om sertifisering. En veldig fin og veldig hyggelig faktisk. 2.3, sammen med en kopi av, en lokalisert til engelsk, en forespørsel, en kopi av pass.Oversettelsen av ansvaret for 2 x 2 = 800 er 400 THB.** Kopi, oversettelse og butikk. Virkelig forsegle fra både oversettelsen og oversettelse kopi! Hvis butikken på samme tid, vi fjerne oversettelsen til c-ROK, vil det ikke fungere?Rask godkjenningsverdien 2 x 800 =1600 THB 3200 Series 2 3 4 totalt besøkende for finansinstitusjoner.2 x vanlig dokumenter bekreftelse verdi 400 = 800 THB.2 3-dagers pakke for 1600 THBHvis ufullstendig dokumenter. Myndighetene vil ikke utstede tillatelse til køen køen for noen andre å. Må være ny signal-kort køen: når hele dokumentet, som må vinne den første køen er fjernet 50 stat eller gråte?.....................................................................Ved skifte etternavnet og prefiks.For å returnere til hjembyen tok distriktet be om endre prefikset og utvidelse av mannen og deretter gjøre et nytt ID-kort og deretter fjerne transport disse dokumenter thamai. oversettelse og sertifisert av. For å forberede de neste gjøre?.....................................................................Trinn 1-5 bruker ca 3 dager og raskeste livet! Denne informasjonen er fra flere registrerte partnere
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (นอร์เวย์) 2:[สำเนา]
Marriage registration procedure that Thai?
November 3: 37: 22 time: 2014
Hello, I am ordering this as well I will have a parallel with the document that is being used.

This must be a fan from Norway and CERTIFICATE OF NO IMPEDIMENT TO MARRIAGE.

The steps in this link and read from the fans.
It is the way (q-0150b) that the woman must be signed with a man known to have married or have a child before? Take no more than 2 weeks.


To go to the Embassy of Norway leading UBC II building, Sukhumvit SOI 33 18 (open 9: 00 pm)
(From the right 18 fachan Li had left a big wooden door logo is not so don't accidentally go into elahe squeaking sound of the electronic press) with a document. Like this?
1 copy of passport) and
2) a taxation year of the fan

The Embassy will provide the form filled out to fans as the people do? There is a fee. If you need to do to get the 1100 MARRIAGE APPLICATION and financial officials to introduce a marriage registration procedure, your boyfriend with a list of documents, if there are no good, but who spent 30 minutes was done?


Remove the MARRIAGE APPLICATION to Thai language translation and consular certificate. Lak SI Ka (open 8: 00 pm)

Translate Can translate the page scroll, 2 floor, the Consul and the queue was very quick but it was? Send Dawn has not so much eating bai. Remove the duplicate MARRIAGE APPLICATION Remove the copy translates?

From time to time into the Consulate since the guard and a lot of people it will ask you to do anything.
Then they quote translation door since 200, 300, 400 THB.
They offer a full range of services, with the price of 5000 THB makes all things.
To sit and wait for the document signed at laksi district, only it is!
Select to remove it if he likes the owner? The refusal or crossed the footbridge to the Thai style house on the opposite side, just in case any translation? Equally

Preparing documents to apply for certification
2 translation of the MARRIAGE certificate APPLICATION Thai language)
3 passport copy) fan
4) an approval request Application for Legalization (the point at which this approval, we will.
3 layer. It will be a direct request hai document filled a handful around a bunch of chairs?) The fans fill out and sign?
Quick certificate fee 800 n/a Regular certificate, 400 n/a

Quick approval
Only the first 50 queues. Who wants to wait, since the door does not open a Consulate. Per row.
Enough to open door, ran up 3 floors at all? Sides of the escalators again
The row comes a big stand with Uncle will let go sitting at the first row of chairs arranged together. Fit 8
The first row in front of the pup, it will start to remove a document to submit? The first queue will hit big leg they translate.
Remove before it will be able to make people queue up behind people in this group. If a quick confirmation.
Recommend to 7.00-7.30 am each morning?

Certified translation of the document filed is normally between 8.00-15.00 pm back to get within 3 days or notify mail it. Add postage based on weight.

Approval procedures.
1 3-1 filing requirements) for a ticket queue.
2 rooms to meet the incoming call waiting) officials to sign.
3) call to pay the fee.
4) call for tender and receipt
After this, the officials say, invite, wait 3 hours or more and then come back. Remove the finished 8-7 at ask about 1 or 2 hours, it returned to questions and then it translates the same speed?

Include only certified documents that express this to 7.30 pm 11.30 pm completion?

The registration of marriage.

Select the field, like the majority, I will go to the four principles and bang Rak.

+ Bang Rak advantage is good job officer. There are no illegal files is 490 THB disadvantages are far and away from the main hotel and the four consulates. Long queues to wait?

+ Four major advantages is near the Consulate is working very slow, officials have asked for tea. If there are no witnesses to and ask to buy a file 890 THB.

Things that prepare for marriage registration
1 translation of the Thai fans, parents names,) them?
2) 2 persons with evidence of identification card, signed by the interpreter itself, it has?
3 a woman ID card)
4) passport Division male
Ready to copy
5) MARRIAGE certificate translated and certified APPLICATION.
6) charge 40 THB
Marriage registration procedures.
1) notification of marriage registration officials to come together to make a series 2.
Women's and men's Division Fill in the complete
2) awaiting the officials sit and wait for sign. The witness signing ceremony is a ceremony?
3) don't forget to take a picture standing Shu a marriage certificate had a visa in the next series?

Advanced orders are completed. 2 (County provide layout, copy and past the seal to be used in series 4 visa issued in due course.) And a very nice 3.?
Marriage registration procedure takes approximately 2-3 hours. Depending on the number of pairs that are coming down at the same time, how much?


Go back to the Consulate a document to translate the contents brought fans back to Norway.
2. advanced instructions and advanced 3. To translate and certify, in English. Translated documents with copies of our passports (signed with it) Want to bring fans back to the Norway is married to be considered complete and is therefore translated set 2!? The whole series, fans Another us most filing here?

The same procedure is translated and then apply for certification. A very nice and very nice actually. 2.3, along with a copy of, an localized into English, a request, a copy of passport.
Translation of the charge of 2 x 2 = 800 is the 400 THB.
** Copy, translation, and shop. Really seal from both the translation and the translation copy!? If the shop at the same time, we remove the translation to c-ROK, it will not work?
Quick approval value 2x800 =
1600 THB 3200 Series 2 3 4-total visitors for financial institutions.
2 x plain documents confirmation value 400 = 800 THB.
2 3-day package for 1600 THB
** If incomplete documents. Authorities will not issue permission to the queue, the queue for someone else to. Must be the new cue-card queue: When the full document, which must win the first queue are removed 50 State or cry?


In case of changing the last name and prefix.
To return to the hometown district to request changing the prefix and the extension by the husband and then make a new ID card and then remove the transport took these documents thamai. translation and certified by. In order to prepare the next most do?


Steps 1-5 using approximately 3 days and the fastest life!? This information is from multiple registered partners
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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