The bank is a member of the Deposit Protection Fund of the Association
of German Banks (Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbandes
deutscher Banken e.V.) and the Compensation Scheme of German
Banks (Entschädigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH). This
covers all liabilities that must be reported on the balance sheet under
“Liabilities to customers”. Among these are demand, term and savings
deposits, including registered savings certificates. The protection limit
for each creditor amounts to 30% of the bank’s liable capital relevant for
deposit protection until December 31, 2014, 20% until December 31,
2019, 15% until December 31, 2024 and 8.75% as of January 1, 2025.
The new protection limits apply as of the key dates specified above for
deposits formed or extended after December 31, 2011, irrespective of
the date on which the deposit was formed. The old protection limits
apply to all deposits formed before December 31, 2011 up to when
the deposit matures or the next possible date of termination. The bank
will notify the customer of the respective deposit protection limit upon
request. It can also be found on the internet at
Liabilities in respect of which the bank has issued bearer instruments,
e.g. bearer bonds and bearer certificates of deposit as well as liabilities
to banks are not covered by this protection.
Protection of claims arising out of dealings in securities:
If, contrary to its duty, the bank is unable to return securities to the
customer, alongside the bank’s liability in the event of a claim for damages,
recourse can also be made to the Entschädigungseinrichtung
deutscher Banken GmbH (Compensation Scheme of German Banks).
The claim against the Compensation Scheme is limited to 90% of the
value of these securities, but not more than the equivalent of € 20.000.
I have been instructed that there is no protection by the Deposit Protection Fund for bearer securities issued by the bank.