In our previous studies [8], we found that there is synergism in the micelle formation for CTAB and TX-100 mixture. This synergism was confirmed by the negative values of the inter molecular interaction parameter in the mixed TX-100 and CTAB micelles and the calculations based on the theory of Blankschtein et al. [9–11].It was also found that the values of the standard free energy of micellization for the mixture of TX-100 and CTAB are some what lower than those for the individual components and they can be predicted on the basis of Maeda equation [12], mole fraction of the surfactant and free enthalpy of TX-100 and CTAB mixing in the micelle. It appeared that the micelle formation is connected with the changes of the surfactant volume during the micellization process. The volume of both the individual surfactants and the mixture studied decreases during the micelization process. However, at the concentration of the surfactant mixture higher than their CMC, an increase of this volume is observed. It seems that the systems of the two surfactant mixture in the presence of a short-chain alcohol are the most crucial from the practical point of view. Such systems are quite complicated and that is why it is difficult to find in the literature the in formation concerning them.