shows the pressure drop of the HEPA filter and
the Nylon 6 nanofilters as a function of face velocity.
The normal criteria of the HEPA filter media show
that the filtration efficiency is over 99.97% at 0.3 lm
particles and the pressure drop is lower than 40 mmAq
at 5 cm/s face velocity [10]. The test results show the
pressure drop of the HEPA filter is in the normal
range, however, the pressure drops of the Nylon 6 nanofilters
are higher than that of HEPA filter. The pore
size of the HEPA filter is 1.7 lm and the Nylon 6 nanofilters
are 0.24 lm and the thickness of the HEPA filter
is 500 lm and the Nylon 6 nanofilters are 50 lm
(base weight: 5.75 g/m2) and 100 lm (base weight:
10.75 g/m2). When it is considered that the base weight
of HEPA filter is 78.2 g/m2 and the Nylon 6 nanofilters
are 5.75 and 10.75 g/m2, the Nylon 6 nanofilters are
formed just like a thin film with very fine sized pores.