As one of well-known fashion cities in Indonesia, Bandung has growing numbers of fashion distribution store. These stores, known as distro, have become one of the growth drivers of fashion industry in Bandung. This paper aims to provide understanding on how Bandung distro customers with different personality types evaluate marketing mix factors and how it impacts their purchasing behavior. The customer data was collected by using two types of questionnaires. One questionnaire was used to gather data on distro customers personality type, while the other used to measure the customers assessment of marketing mix factors and the impacts on their purchasing decisions. Discriminant and multiple regression analysis method were then used to analyze the data. The result shows that customer personality profiles relate to their assessment of marketing mix factors and that it impacts their purchasing decisions. The result of this research can be used as a consideration in understanding distro customers behaviors in Bandung so that distro managers and entrepreneurs can formulate effective marketing strategy. Further, as previous studies usually limited themselves only to measurement and comparison of marketing mix factors, this study gives a deeper understanding on customer behavior as it explains not only on how distro customers with different personality types assessed marketing mix factors, but also its impacts on their purchasing decisions.