Warning System Keeps Swimmers Out of Polluted Water
The dry conditions in California are good for people wholike to swim in the Pacific Ocean. Because of the drought, there is less waterrunoff from cities into the ocean. As a result, the ocean water is cleaner. Butpollution remains a problem in other areas, including popular beaches.
Angelo Bellomo works for the Los Angeles County Department of PublicHealth.
“When we have runoff from the urban environment, it could be carrying with itcontamination due to animal waste (and) sewage overflows; and if thoseenter the beaches through the normal pipes that terminate in the ocean, youwant to avoid contact with water during those periods.”
He adds that people could become infected with a number of diseases fromswimming in polluted ocean water.
Public health officials are looking for a fast way to identify water quality levelsalong the California coast. Currently, they use laboratory tests. If the testsshow the quality is poor, warning signs are placed along the coastline. Butbecause lab workers need more than a day to test the water, the informationon the sign can be outdated.
Leslie Griffin works for an environmental group called “Heal the Bay.” Shesays the current warning system is not very helpful.
“Right now it takes 18 to 24 hours to get those water quality results, but wethink that that is a little ridiculous because we want people to know the day ofwhen they are going in the water whether or not they can be getting sick.”
Until lab tests can be completed faster, researchers in California are usingwhat they call a “predictive modeling system.” The system makes aneducated guess about water quality. Heal the Bay says the system can makea prediction about water quality in as little as 15 minutes.
Researchers use computers to gather information about the environment. Thedata includes wind speed and direction, information about ocean waves andrecent bacterial contamination. Because each beach is different, computermodels are created for each one. The researchers then use the data topredict the possible quality of the water that day. The process is called“Nowcasting.”
Angelo Bellomo says the predictive modeling system looks promising.
“We think that the modeling that we have seen so far is generally moreaccurate than the testing that we are doing, and the reason for that is thateven though it is a model and its predicting water quality, it is more timely.”
Hong Kong and the American state of Ohio have similar methods of predictingwater quality.
I’m Marsha James.
Elizabeth Lee reported on this story from Los Angeles. Christopher Jones-Cruise adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.
Words in This Story
runoff – n. water from rain or snow that flows over the surface of the groundinto streams; water from cities that flows into the ocean
contamination – n. the state of being dangerous, dirty or impure becausesomething harmful or undesirable has been added
sewage – n. waste material that is carried away from homes and otherbuildings in pipes
terminate – v. to end in a given way or at a particular place
outdated – adj. no longer useful or acceptable
ridiculous – adj. extremely silly or unreasonable
How do officials in your country test water quality? We want to hear from you.Write your thoughts in the comments section.
ระบบเตือนช่วยให้ผู้ออกจากน้ำเสียสภาพแห้งในแคลิฟอร์เนียดีสำหรับ wholike คนว่ายน้ำในมหาสมุทรแปซิฟิก เนื่องจากภัยแล้ง มี waterrunoff น้อยจากเมืองลงไป น้ำทะเลเป็นผล จะสะอาด Butpollution ยังคง เป็นปัญหาในพื้นที่อื่น ๆ รวมทั้งนิยมแองเจโล่ Bellomo ทำงานสำหรับลอสแองเจลิสเขตภาคของ PublicHealth"เมื่อเราได้น้ำจากสิ่งแวดล้อมเมือง มันสามารถถูกดำเนินการกับ itcontamination เสียสัตว์ (และ) สิ่งโสโครกเนื่อง และถ้า thoseenter หาดผ่านท่อปกติที่สิ้นสุดในมหาสมุทร youwant เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงติดต่อกับน้ำในระหว่างรอบระยะเวลาเหล่านั้น"เขาเพิ่มที่ คนสามารถติดเชื้อ มีโรค fromswimming ในน้ำทะเลเสียเจ้าหน้าที่สาธารณสุขกำลังมองหาวิธีรวดเร็วเพื่อระบุ levelsalong คุณภาพน้ำชายฝั่งแคลิฟอร์เนีย ขณะนี้ พวกเขาใช้ห้องปฏิบัติการทดสอบ ถ้า testsshow คุณภาพไม่ดี สัญญาณเตือนอยู่ตามชายฝั่ง ผู้ปฏิบัติงานห้องปฏิบัติการ Butbecause ต้องมากกว่าการทดสอบน้ำ informationon เครื่องจะล้าสมัยกริฟฟอนเลสลี่จะมีกลุ่มสิ่งแวดล้อมที่เรียกว่า "การ Heal อ่าว" Shesays เตือนภัยปัจจุบันไม่มาก "ขวาตอนนี้ จะใช้เวลา 18-24 ชั่วโมงเหล่านั้นคุณภาพน้ำ แต่ wethink ว่าเป็นไร้สาระเล็กน้อย เพราะเราต้องการคนรู้ ofwhen ในวันที่พวกเขากำลังในน้ำว่าพวกเขาสามารถได้รับป่วยหรือไม่"Until lab tests can be completed faster, researchers in California are usingwhat they call a “predictive modeling system.” The system makes aneducated guess about water quality. Heal the Bay says the system can makea prediction about water quality in as little as 15 minutes.Researchers use computers to gather information about the environment. Thedata includes wind speed and direction, information about ocean waves andrecent bacterial contamination. Because each beach is different, computermodels are created for each one. The researchers then use the data topredict the possible quality of the water that day. The process is called“Nowcasting.”Angelo Bellomo says the predictive modeling system looks promising.“We think that the modeling that we have seen so far is generally moreaccurate than the testing that we are doing, and the reason for that is thateven though it is a model and its predicting water quality, it is more timely.”Hong Kong and the American state of Ohio have similar methods of predictingwater quality.I’m Marsha James.Elizabeth Lee reported on this story from Los Angeles. Christopher Jones-Cruise adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor._____________________________________________________________Words in This Story runoff – n. water from rain or snow that flows over the surface of the groundinto streams; water from cities that flows into the oceancontamination – n. the state of being dangerous, dirty or impure becausesomething harmful or undesirable has been addedsewage – n. waste material that is carried away from homes and otherbuildings in pipesterminate – v. to end in a given way or at a particular placeoutdated – adj. no longer useful or acceptableridiculous – adj. extremely silly or unreasonableHow do officials in your country test water quality? We want to hear from you.Write your thoughts in the comments section.
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