The placentas were removed by a standard
method. Immediately after the childbirth, the umbilical
cord was clamped to ensure placental blood
drainage. The placental weight was measured using
a digital scale of 0.01 gram precision, the placental
thickness (t) was measured using a digital
caliper with 0.01 mm precision in three points and
then the mean was applied for estimation of the
total placental volume. The placental surface area
was determined using Cavalier`s point-counting
method by this formula: A=ΣP. A (p), where A is
estimation of the surface area, ΣP is the sum of the
number of points landing on the surface of placenta,
A (p) is the area associated with each point in
stereological grid. Then, total volume of each placenta
was estimated using this formula, V=A.t
(11), where V is estimation of the volume, A is
surface of placenta and t is the mean thickness of
The placentas were removed by a standardmethod. Immediately after the childbirth, the umbilicalcord was clamped to ensure placental blooddrainage. The placental weight was measured usinga digital scale of 0.01 gram precision, the placentalthickness (t) was measured using a digitalcaliper with 0.01 mm precision in three points andthen the mean was applied for estimation of thetotal placental volume. The placental surface areawas determined using Cavalier`s point-countingmethod by this formula: A=ΣP. A (p), where A isestimation of the surface area, ΣP is the sum of thenumber of points landing on the surface of placenta,A (p) is the area associated with each point instereological grid. Then, total volume of each placentawas estimated using this formula, V=A.t(11), where V is estimation of the volume, A issurface of placenta and t is the mean thickness ofplacenta.
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