eHow Home Building & Remodeling Building Materials & Supplies How to Build a PVC Pipe Table
How to Build a PVC Pipe Table
By Matthew Ashman
eHow Contributor
Last updated June 04, 2015
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A side table made with PVC pipe makes an unexpected yet stylish addition to your seating area and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces. You can build your own with very little effort and customize the dimensions to fit your space. Painting the pipe gives the table a modern industrial look.
(Image: Matthew Ashman)
Things You'll Need
10-foot PVC pipe, 1
Measuring tape
PVC pipe cutter
Medium clear PVC cement
90-degree PVC angles, 8
Metallic finish spray paint (optional)
Caulking gun
All-purpose weatherproof silicon clear sealant
18-by-24-inch glass piece
Step 1
Start by gathering your supplies and cutting all of the PVC pipes. Use the PVC pipe cutter to cut eight 10-inch PVC pipe pieces. Make sure to wipe the pipes clean of any debris or dirt after cutting.
(Image: Matthew Ashman)
Step 2
Take one of the 10-inch pieces of PVC and attach a 90-degree PVC angle to it with PVC cement. Make sure the pipe goes in as far as it can. Now, attach another pipe to the other side of the 90-degree angle. Add a 90-degree PVC angle to the end of the second pipe, making sure the two 90-degree angles are facing each other and the pipes can lay flat. Now add a third pipe to the open end of the 90-degree angle. You should almost have a square at this point when laying the pipes flat.
(Image: Matthew Ashman)
Each time you connect a piece of pipe to a 90-degree PVC angle, you need to apply PVC cement to the inside of the 90-degree piece and also on the outside of the pipe, about 1/2 inch on both. After connecting each piece, be sure to wipe away any excess glue with a paper towel.
Step 3
With the pipes you just pieced together laying flat on the ground, attach 90-degree PVC angles to the open ends of the two pipes so that the open ends of the 90-degree angles are facing up (as shown).
(Image: Matthew Ashman)
Before moving on to the next step, you can place two pipes into the open ends of the 90-degree angles (without glue) to make sure they are level before the glue dries on the angles.
Step 4
Attach two more pipes to the open ends of the 90-degree angles. Now, attach two more 90-degree angles, but have the open ends facing inward toward the direction of the pipes on the ground.