The present work focuses on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems and their application
to low temperature waste heat recovery, combined heat and power as well as off-grid
solar power generation applications. As issues come to the fore front and fossil fuels
become more expensive, interest in low grade heat recovery has grown dramatically in
the past few years. Solar energy, as a clean, renewable, pollution-free and sustainable
energy has great potential for the use of ORC systems. Several ORC solutions have been
proposed to generate electricity from low temperature sources. The ORC systems
discussed here can be applied to fields such as solar thermal, biological waste heat,
engine exhaust gases, small-scale cogeneration, domestic boilers, etc.
The present work focuses on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems and their applicationto low temperature waste heat recovery, combined heat and power as well as off-gridsolar power generation applications. As issues come to the fore front and fossil fuelsbecome more expensive, interest in low grade heat recovery has grown dramatically inthe past few years. Solar energy, as a clean, renewable, pollution-free and sustainableenergy has great potential for the use of ORC systems. Several ORC solutions have beenproposed to generate electricity from low temperature sources. The ORC systemsdiscussed here can be applied to fields such as solar thermal, biological waste heat,engine exhaust gases, small-scale cogeneration, domestic boilers, etc.
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