Fig. 3a represents the untreated control. The morphology of the
cells treated with the vehicle control is comparable to the
untreated control, again indicating that the DMSO is not toxic to
the cells and does not cause major morphological changes. With
the apoptotic control (cisplatic, Fig. 3c), clear apoptotic bodies
can be observed. The morphology of the cells treated with 5%
H2O2 (Fig. 3d) is an indication of necrotic cell death. The cell disintegration
can clearly be observed, since it is known that H2O2
induces cell death via necrosis [25,26].
The comparison of the cells treated with complexes 1 and 2
(Fig. 3e and f, respectively) to that of the three controls show that
clear morphological changes can be observed. The formation of
apoptotic bodies can be observed. It should be mentioned that
the cell death pathway cannot be confirmed with morphological
studies under the microscope; hence the cell death pathway can
only be predicted. From the treatment of the cells with complexes
1 and 2, it can be predicted that the major cell death way being
induced is apoptosis due to the formation of apoptotic bodies.