Gabriel Cramer's father was Jean Isaac Cramer, who was a medical doctor in Geneva, while his mother was Anne Mallet. Jean and Anne had three sons who all went on to academic success. Besides Gabriel, their other two sons were Jean-Antione who followed his father's profession and Jean who became a professor of law.
Gabriel certainly moved rapidly through his education in Geneva, and in 1722 while he was still only eighteen years old he was awarded a doctorate having submitted a thesis on the theory of sound. Two years later he was competing for the chair of philosophy at the Académie de Clavin in Geneva.
The competition for the chair was between three men; the eldest was Amédée de la Rive while the other two were both young men, Giovanni Ludovico Calandrini who was twenty-one years old and Cramer who was one year younger. The magistrates who were making the appointment favoured the older man with more experience but they were so impressed with brilliant two young men that they thought up a clever plan to enable them to acquire the services of all three. Clearly they were looking to the future and seeing in Cramer and Calandrini two men who would make important future contributions to the Academy.
The scheme the magistrates proposed was to split the chair of philosophy into two chairs, one chair of philosophy and one chair of mathematics. De la Rive was offered the philosophy chair, which after all was what he had applied for in the first place, while Cramer and Calandrini were offered the mathematics chair on the understanding that they shared the duties and shared the salary. The magistrates put another condition on the appointment too, namely that Cramer and Calandrini each spend two or three years travelling and while one was away the other would take on the full list of duties and the full salary. It was a good plan for not only did it successfully attract all three men to the Academy, but it also gave Cramer the opportunity to travel and meet mathematicians around Europe and he was to take full advantage of this which both benefited him and the Academy.
Cramer and Calandrini divided up the mathematics courses each would teach. Cramer taught geometry and mechanics while Calandrini taught algebra and astronomy. The two had been paired in the arrangement and their friends joking called them Castor and Pollux. Had their personalities been different the arrangement might have presented all sorts of difficulties, but given their natures things worked out remarkably well. Cramer is said to have been [1]:-
Gabriel Cramer พ่อฌองอิส Cramer ผู้เป็นแพทย์ในเจนีวา ในขณะที่แม่ของเขาถูกตะลุมพุก แอนน์ ฌองและแอนน์มีบุตรสามคนไปสู่ความสำเร็จทางวิชาการ นอกจาก Gabriel ของบุตรทั้งสองมีฌอง-Antione ที่ตามอาชีพของบิดาของเขาและฌองที่กลายเป็นศาสตราจารย์ทางกฎหมายGabriel แน่นอนย้ายอย่างรวดเร็วผ่านศึกษาในเจนีวา และใน 1722 ยังคงเพียงสิบแปดปี เขาได้รับรางวัลเป็นเอกที่มีส่งวิทยานิพนธ์ในทฤษฎีของเสียง สองปีต่อมาเขาถูกแข่งขันสำหรับเก้าอี้ของปรัชญาที่ Clavin เด Académie ในเจนีวาการแข่งขันสำหรับเก้าอี้ถูกระหว่างสามคน คนถูก Amédée Rive เดอลาในขณะที่อีกสอง ทั้งสองคน Giovanni Ludovico Calandrini ที่เมืองทองธานีปีและ Cramer ที่อายุน้อยกว่า 1 ปี Magistrates ที่ได้ทำการนัดหมาย favoured คนรุ่นเก่า มีประสบการณ์มาก แต่ประทับใจกับสดใสสองคนว่า เขาคิดค่าแผนฉลาดจะทำให้ได้รับบริการทั้งสาม ชัดเจนจะถูกมองไปในอนาคต และเห็นใน Cramer และ Calandrini สองคนจะทำผลงานในอนาคตที่สำคัญจากสถาบันThe scheme the magistrates proposed was to split the chair of philosophy into two chairs, one chair of philosophy and one chair of mathematics. De la Rive was offered the philosophy chair, which after all was what he had applied for in the first place, while Cramer and Calandrini were offered the mathematics chair on the understanding that they shared the duties and shared the salary. The magistrates put another condition on the appointment too, namely that Cramer and Calandrini each spend two or three years travelling and while one was away the other would take on the full list of duties and the full salary. It was a good plan for not only did it successfully attract all three men to the Academy, but it also gave Cramer the opportunity to travel and meet mathematicians around Europe and he was to take full advantage of this which both benefited him and the Academy.Cramer and Calandrini divided up the mathematics courses each would teach. Cramer taught geometry and mechanics while Calandrini taught algebra and astronomy. The two had been paired in the arrangement and their friends joking called them Castor and Pollux. Had their personalities been different the arrangement might have presented all sorts of difficulties, but given their natures things worked out remarkably well. Cramer is said to have been [1]:-
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..