What is cold sterilization? Cold sterilization is a method of sterilization that requires the reusable semi-critical items to be immersed in EPA-approved liquid chemicals.These chemicals can include gluteraldehydes , percentic acid , and hydrogen peroxide-based solution. Single-use items can never be cold sterilized. They are not manufactured to be sterilized and may resist the process because of the materials with which they are made. what do dental professionals need to know? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention had made strong statements in this area. They state that in all dental and other healthcare setting indication for use of liquid chemicals germicides to sterilize instruments (cold sterilization) are limited. The first choice is always heat sterilization. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention refers to heat sterilization as the method of choice when sterilizing instruments and devices. If an item is heat sensitive, it is preferable to use a heat-stable alternative or disposable item.