This model of government has seemed not well suited to public policy aimed at penetration of the economic and social life of the political community. It is weighted in favor of inertia and inflexibility. In answer to this problem, during the past century or so, the United States developed a large administrative apparatus to facilitate specialized, positive, and flexible governmental 62 This phenomeaction. non is commonly referred to as the "rise of the administrative state's and is hardly confined to the United 63 However, in this country i States. represents an effort to reduce the inertial qualities of the system of separation of powers. In essence, all three governmental functions have been collapsed into the administrative branch Thus, public administrators make rules (legislation), implement these rules (an executive function), and adjudicate questions concerning their application and execution (a judicial function) The collapsing of the separation of powers has been well recognized. As Justice White wrote in Buckley Valeo(1976), "There is no doubt that development of the administrative agency the in response to modern legislative and administrative need has placed severe strain on the separation of powers in its pristine strain has also contributed to a "crisis of legitimacy in public administration because the accumulation of legislative, executive, and judicial functions in administrative agencies runs counter to the deeply in grained desire within the political culture for a system of checks and balances.