Main Success Scenario:
1. User logs in his/her account in Kickstarter.
2. User with his/her account in Kickstarter starts viewing projects by other people.
3. System displays all projects and its respective status.
4. User finds a project that which the user thinks may have violated some rules and regulations.
5. User clicks on Report Project button.
6. User fills out necessary details.
7. System picks up the request and notifies Kickstarter staff to check on it.
8. Kickstarter staff evaluates project if it is going above rules or simply wrong judgment.
9. User waits for further actions or decisions.
Alternative Sequences:
A4. User decides not to report project
1. User does not select any options available on the check box.
2. User closes checkbox.
Error Sequences:
E7. Project is already successfully launched/funded.
7. Kickstarter staff will have a different approach on the project.
8. Use case ends
E4. Project has been taken down or banned.
4. Use case ends