Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a smoking cessation program on female
high-school students and to analyze the characteristics of students who quit smoking compared to those of
students who failed to quit.
Methods: This study used a mixed research design, including a pre- and post-experimental design for
measuring the effects of the smoking cessation intervention and a qualitative design using a focus group
interview to analyze the characteristics of individuals who successfully quit in comparison to those who
failed to stop smoking. Data were collected before and after the intervention through a self-report questionnaire,
a biochemical index, and a focus group interview.
Results: After the intervention, positive changes in stage in the transtheoretical model for smoking-cessation
behavior increased significantly (P < 0.001), and the number of cigarettes smoked daily (P = 0.001), dependency
on nicotine, expiratory CO levels, and positive frequency of urine nicotine levels decreased signifi-
cantly (P < 0.001). Based on data from the focus group interview, students who stopped smoking showed
different intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental characteristics compared to students who failed to
stop smoking.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the smoking-cessation program could be more effective if it were to
involve teachers and family members. In addition, a smoking-prohibited community environment could
assist in the control of adolescents’ smoking behavior.
Key words: adolescent, interview, school health services, smoking cessation.