The pivotal COP21 in Paris is fast approaching. In recognition of this historical moment, WBCSD is pleased to announce our partnership with GreenBiz to webcast the morning session of the Council Meeting to a global audience.
The Council Meeting morning agenda will have a strong climate focus. We are delighted to have Joel Makower of GreenBiz (@makower) moderate our panel discussions on the day. Our afternoon sessions remain closed, and confidential.
Your input is an essential part of the dialogue. If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to take advantage of the early bird pricing by September 14 midnight (CET). Once registered, use your 202020 password to gain access to the Marriott website and book your hotel rooms.
Please note that we will have high security arrangements in place at the Council Meeting in line with recommendations from the French Government. You must be registered in advance to gain access to the meeting, and registrations cannot be accepted on the day. Register now and ensure your attendance at this important event.
We look forward to welcoming you in Paris!