Biodiesel is considered as the main alternative fuels for compression ignition engines, because of their properties such as rich oxygen
content, higher kinematic viscosity, reduced smoke emission and diluted level of pollutants from the engine exhaust (Smoke, Carbon
monoxide, particulate matter and unburned hydrocarbons). Biodiesel containing 10% oxygen content helps in better combustion of the fuel
[1]; on the other hand, it results in the formation of high local temperatures inducing more NOx emissions during combustion. When
compared to petrol and diesel, a 12% hike in NOx emission is observed for biodiesel fuel [2]. To control such NOx emissions many strategies
have been followed by researchers around the countries such as biodiesel blends, engine modification, exhaust gas reduction techniques
and alteration in fuel formulations. Among them, fuel formulation techniques are considered as the most beneficial way of controlling the
level of pollutants at the engine exhaust. In continuation of such techniques, the addition of nano particles in biodiesel results in reducing
the level of pollutants at the engine exhaust and enhancing the engine performance substantially. Nano particle blended test fuels show
better thermal properties, due to the higher surface area to volume ratio of the nano particle [3], resulting in increased oxidation of hydrocarbons
and acting as oxygen buffer against NO [4]. A few experiments were conducted with nano particles as additives in both diesel
and biodiesel fuels with significant reduction of exhaust emission and improved brake specific fuel consumption. An experimental
investigation with cerium oxide nano particle as addition (at 20, 40 and 60 ppm (parts per million)) in Jatropha biodiesel fuel had shown
significant NO reduction by 30% and hydrocarbon emissions by 40%, besides increased brake thermal efficiency by 1.5% [4]. Experimental
investigation conducted in a single-cylinder four stroke direct injection variable compression ratio diesel engine using diesel-biodieselethanol
blends blended with cerium oxide nanoparticle at 25 ppm, resulted in drastic reduction of exhaust emissions such as hydrocarbon,
nitric oxide and carbon monoxide [5]. The addition of aluminium nano particle in diesel along with 3e6 % volume of water addition as fuel in
a diesel engine shows reduced concentration of smoke and nitrous oxide with significant improvement in brake thermal efficiency [6].
Basha and anand [7], drew attention of blending two nano particles namely alumina and CNT (dosing ratio of 25 and 50 ppm) in Jatropha
biodiesel and found maximum reduction of NO by 23% for alumina and CNT blended Jatropha biodiesel. In continuation with significant NO