AquaLab uses the chilled-mirror dewpoint technique to measure the water activity of a sample. In an instrument that uses the dewpoint technique, the sample is equili- brated with the headspace of a sealed chamber that con- tains a mirror and a means of detecting condensation on the mirror. At equilibrium, the relative humidity of the air in the chamber is the same as the water activity of the sample. In the AquaLab, the mirror temperature is pre-cisely controlled by a thermoelectric (Peltier) cooler. Detection of the exact point at which condensation first appears on the mirror is observed with a photoelectric cell. A beam of light is directed onto the mirror and reflected into a photodetector cell. The photodetector senses the change in reflectance when condensation occurs on the mirror. A thermocouple attached to the mirror then records the temperature at which condensa- tion occurs. AquaLab then signals you by flashing a green LED and/or beeping. The final water activity and temper- ature of the sample is then displayed.