Q1: In your opinion, watching video-lessons before the class has allowed you to achieve more efficiently the learning
3 0 43 54
Q2: Video-lessons material was correctly designed, well structured and clearly-defined 0 3 59 38
Q3: In your opinion, it was not necessary to provide video-lessons in order to achieve laboratory and class learning
27 59 11 3
Q4: The completion of multiple-choice on-line quizzes after watching the delivered video-lesson has allowed to achieve
more efficiently the laboratory class learning objectives
3 11 49 38
Q5: The completion of multiple-choice on-line quizzes after watching the delivered video-lesson has allowed to point out
the most complex contents before the class, and therefore to focus to overcome them
3 8 62 27
Q6: The doubts emerged before and during the class sessions (including laboratory) were adequately addressed and solve
0 5 65 30
Q7: In your opinion, the classes (including laboratory) were useful for your professional training as future teacher 0 0 49 51
Q8: In your opinion, the classes (including laboratory) contents have satisfied your professional training needs as future