Good evening! I apologize again for the extreme delay. I'm usually quite prompt with descriptions and payment, so this is uncharacteristic of me.
Let's go ahead and begin our commissions with Artoria Pendragon as she appears in Fate/Grand Order. We'll do a simple picture, a full body with a gradient background like this (… ), which I believe is $50 total on your pricing scale.
Character: Artoria Pendragon F/GO version
Half body:……
Full body:……
Pose: Sitting, using her spear as support, like this:… She should be giving a seductive facial expression, similar to this:…
Modifications: bigger boobs! :D We will take the pushed-up shape her breasts have in this picture (… ) and enlarge her breasts to approximately head sized. This is a super-busty Artoria!
That should hopefully be enough reference and detail to let you draw a good picture. Please confirm the price, as well as your Paypal account address, and I will pay you when you're ready.
If this commission goes well, we'll do a second with Jeane, my favorite female character. :)
Thank you for your patience!