Roses are black
Violets are black
Everything is black
'Cause of my mind :-!
I want someone to join me.
I want someone to know my feels.
I want someone that he/she can do everything to make me feel better.
If I'm alone He/She can know what pains that I brought it from every mistakes that I have.
If only I could have someone.
My mind is happy. But another way is opposite. My brain is burning. My heart is broken down into a piece of shit.
I feel like I'm a asshole. That I don't know what they feeling.
That's why I want someone to teach me more. Please forgive me for everything that I do.
I know that's wrong. But this time I want to make it right.
I need a sign. I need a miracle.
I don't know what supposed to do.
I don't know how people think.
Ugh I can't text. I can't text anymore.
It's done. Not being a good time.
It's end up here.