3.3. Antioxidant defences and oxidative stress status of broodstock
The antioxidant level and oxidative stress status of broodstock at the
end of the grow-out period before their transfer to the hatchery are
shown in Table 5. The antioxidant defences in the digestive glands of
broodstock from CW compared to those from the BFT treatment exhibited
significantly lower levels of GSH (p=0.02) and TAS (p=0.04).No
significant difference was revealed regardingmeasured antioxidant enzyme
activities. The GSSG/GSH ratio, a valuable biomarker of oxidative
stress (Storey, 1996), was significantly higher (p = 0.04) in the
digestive glands of broodstock from CW compared to those from the
BFT treatment.