Step 1
In many circles, people who swear are seen as uncultured,uneducated, or immature.
On the internet, swearing can get you banned from all sorts of social sites. For example Club Penguin.
Additionally, if you are using swear words directed at other people, you may be seen as a bully, or abusive.
Step 2
Take note of when you cuss the most.
Figure out another way to express your emotions.
Instead of saying "#@$% the Government!", say "I am really frustrated with the Government right now" or some equivalent.
Step 3
Create a swear jar. With a swear jar, every time you swear you put a dollar in.
Now, to make the swear jar really work, you need to really hate losing that money. And losing a dollar here or there just isn't painful enough emotionally to be a real deterrent.
Step 4
Challenge yourself, try to get mad and restrain yourself from cussing.
If you did not succeed the challenge aim for a smaller goal, for example not swearing after 8 P.M.
Or when you catch yourself swearing, rephrase your sentence without including any bad words.
Step 5
Reward yourself.
If you meet your goal, treat yourself to a movie, new clothes, or a good book.
Become Self Aware and Plan