11 The yarns or fibres are washed etc.
to remove chemicals left on them from the acid bath, and then dried. In (a) this done continuously as the yarn passes from the back to the front of each thread-advancing reel ; it is dried on the last reel which is heated and enclosed.
In (b) the cakes are placed on perforated tubes and the wash liquors forced through them, followed by hydro-extracting and drying in hot rooms.
In (c) washing and drying is done on enclosed conveyors.
At the end of the processes : Yarn in (a) given a twist and wound on to a bobbin yarn in (b) is cake form. Staple fiber baled.
All consist of pure cellulose (plus a slight content of moisture and lubricant) and are ready for use by the textile industries.
Yarn can be woven or knitted direct. Staple fibre must first be spun into a yarn.