3.1 Agitator, of propeller type, made of glass or other noncorrosive material (a plastic or glass-covered magnetic stirrer may be used instead).
3.2 Disintegration apparatus, of wet, high-speed type, which disintegrates the pulp completely with a minimum of damage to the fibers. Avoid disintegrators that may contaminate the sample with grease.
are to be made.
Constant temperature bath, capable of maintaining a constant temperature of 25.0 ± 0.2°C in the reaction Reaction beaker, 2000-mL, glass or porcelain.
Pipets, two 100-mL automatic pipets are especially convenient when a large number of determinations
T 236 om-06
TENTATIVE STANDARD - 1960 OFFICIAL STANDARD - 1976 CLASSICAL METHOD - 1985 CORRECTION - 1993 OFFICIAL METHOD -1999 REVISED - 2006 ©2006 TAPPI The information and data contained in this document were prepared by a technical committee of the Association. The committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the use of such information or data, including but not limited to any liability under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this document is the most recent
edition published.

This Test Method may include safety precautions which are believed to be appropriate at the time of publication of the method. The intent of these is to alert the user of the method to safety issues related to such use. The user is responsible for determining that the safety precautions are complete and are appropriate to their use of the method, and for ensuring that suitable safety practices have not changed since publication of the method. This method may require the use, disposal, or both, of chemicals which may present serious health hazards to humans. Procedures for the handling of such substances are set forth on Material Safety Data Sheets which must be developed by all manufacturers and importers of potentially hazardous chemicals and maintained by all distributors of potentially hazardous chemicals. Prior to the use of this method, the user must determine whether any of the chemicals to be used or disposed of are potentially hazardous and, if so, must follow strictly the procedures specified by both the manufacturer, as well as local, state, and federal authorities for safe use and disposal of these chemicals.
Buret, 50-mL, graduated to 0.1 mL. A 52-mL buret will be found more convenient for titrating the
reaction mixture in the blank test.
3.7 Other apparatus: a Büchner funnel and filter flask to dewater three to four grams of pulp; stopwatch or clock; 1000-mL and a 25- or 50-mL graduated cylinder; 250-mL beaker.