We have proposed a hybrid AHP–PCA–GP model and applied
this model to the decision making process for selection of a weapon
system. In deriving the relative weights to assign to various
decision elements necessary for the GP model, we used PCA to offset
the shortcomings of AHP when used alone. The proposed model
for decision making goes beyond the previous AHP–GP combined
model. This improvement is achieved by identifying the attributes
affecting weapon systems selection and by reflecting the real data
characteristics of weapon systems as well as the intuition of experts
in the decision process.
As with other MCDA, weapon systems selection presents tremendous
challenges because such systems and the decisions they
involve are complex, unstructured, and detailed. Because the decision
involves both tangible and intangible factors and both quantitative
and qualitative scales, decision makers have difficulty in
structuring the problem and evaluating each criterion under the
same conditions. The proposed approach will help to solve these
Although we have restricted ourselves to the problem of weapon
systems selection, the proposed hybrid model has so much flexibility
that with slight modification, it could be applied widely in
fields other than military ordnance.
Confronted with the trend of increased demand for rationality
and transparency in defense budget expenditures, decision makers
in the ROK MND and JCS place increasing emphasis on methods,
the validity of the decision process, and the reliability of data used
in decisions on military affairs. This trend will only intensify with
the increase in the national defense expenditures and the shorter
life cycle of weapon systems that is a result of the pace of military
technology development. The proposed hybrid approach may contribute
to satisfying the demands for rationality and transparency
in defense expenditures by strengthening the underlying rationale
behind military procurement decisions
We have proposed a hybrid AHP–PCA–GP model and appliedthis model to the decision making process for selection of a weaponsystem. In deriving the relative weights to assign to variousdecision elements necessary for the GP model, we used PCA to offsetthe shortcomings of AHP when used alone. The proposed modelfor decision making goes beyond the previous AHP–GP combinedmodel. This improvement is achieved by identifying the attributesaffecting weapon systems selection and by reflecting the real datacharacteristics of weapon systems as well as the intuition of expertsin the decision process.As with other MCDA, weapon systems selection presents tremendouschallenges because such systems and the decisions theyinvolve are complex, unstructured, and detailed. Because the decisioninvolves both tangible and intangible factors and both quantitativeand qualitative scales, decision makers have difficulty instructuring the problem and evaluating each criterion under thesame conditions. The proposed approach will help to solve theseproblems.Although we have restricted ourselves to the problem of weaponsystems selection, the proposed hybrid model has so much flexibilitythat with slight modification, it could be applied widely infields other than military ordnance.Confronted with the trend of increased demand for rationalityand transparency in defense budget expenditures, decision makersin the ROK MND and JCS place increasing emphasis on methods,the validity of the decision process, and the reliability of data usedin decisions on military affairs. This trend will only intensify withthe increase in the national defense expenditures and the shorterlife cycle of weapon systems that is a result of the pace of militarytechnology development. The proposed hybrid approach may contributeto satisfying the demands for rationality and transparencyin defense expenditures by strengthening the underlying rationalebehind military procurement decisions
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