Considerations for community
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guide-
lines (2006) highlight the need for health professionals in
primary care and other settings to take any opportunity to
provide brief interventions, including:
w Assessment of someone’s commitment to quit
w An offer of pharmacotherapy and/or behavioural support
w Provision of self-help material
w Possible referral to stop smoking services for intensive
support (NICE, 2006).
Community nurses and specialist nurses working with
those who have smoking-related conditions, are in a strong
position to provide ongoing support and advice as they
often have continued contact with individuals and their
families. Various training courses can provide opportunities
to increase knowledge and skills in providing brief
interventions and other support (Table 3).
There are three possible considerations for community
nurses undertaking brief interventions with patients:
w How do I most effectively talk with people about their
smoking habits, the possible health risks and advantages
of stopping?
w How much do I know about the local stop-smoking
services so I can advise patients?
w What products are available to people who want help to
stop smoking?