We studied whether a 6-month group-mediated cognitive behavioral (GMCB) intervention for peripheral artery disease (PAD) participants, which promoted home-based walking exercise, improved 6-minute walk and other outcomes at 12-month follow-up, 6 months after completing the intervention, compared to a control group.
We randomized PAD participants to a GMCB intervention or a control group. During phase I (months 1 to 6), the intervention used group support and self-regulatory skills during weekly on-site meetings to help participants adhere to home-based exercise. The control group received weekly on-site lectures on topics unrelated to exercise. Primary outcomes were measured at the end of phase I. During phase II (months 7 to 12), each group received telephone contact. Compared to controls, participants randomized to the intervention increased their 6-minute walk distance from baseline to 12-month follow-up, (from 355.4 to 381.9 m in the intervention versus 353.1 to 345.6 m in the control group; mean difference=+34.1 m; 95% confidence interval [CI]=+14.6, +53.5; P