Then, ¾ of the volume of milk was heated at 54–55 °C and carrageen gum was added, following homogenization. This mixture was heated at 65–66 °C, and then the sucrose was added, following a final heating step until a temperature of 91–92 °C was reached. The remaining milk (¼) was mixed with corn starch and added to dairy dessert mix. Then, grated coconut was added and heating was interrupted. When the temperature reached 77 °C, the coconut milk was added to dairy dessert mix following heating up to 80 °C. The dairy dessert mix was cooled down to 37 °C and the probiotic culture was added. Further, 1 mL of suspension of L. innocua LH 475 was inoculated in samples F2 and F3 to yield a final concentration of about 104–105 CFU/g of product. This inoculum level was based on the guidelines for challenge tests ( Anonymous, 2003).