Under the accrual method, revenues and expenses are recorded according to when they are earned and incurred, not necessarily when the cash is received or paid. For example, under the accrual method revenue is recognized when customers are invoiced, regardless of when payment is received. Similarly, an expense is recognized when the bill is received, not when payment is made.
Under accrual accounting, even though employees may be paid in the next accounting period for work performed near the end of the present accounting period, the expense still is recorded in the current period since the current period is when the expense was incurred.
Underlying Assumptions, Principles, and Conventions
Financial accounting relies on the following underlying concepts:
• Assumptions: Separate entity assumption, going-concern assumption, stable monetary unit assumption, fixed time period assumption.
• Principles: Historical cost principle, matching principle, revenue recognition principle, full disclosure principle.
• Modifying conventions: Materiality, cost-benefit, conservatism convention, industry practices convention.
Financial Statements
Businesses have two primary objectives:
• Earn a profit
• Remain solvent
Solvency represents the ability of the business to pay its bills and service its debt.
The four financial statements are reports that allow interested parties to evaluate the profitability and solvency of a business. These reports include the following financial statements:
• Balance Sheet
• Income Statement
• Statement of Owner's Equity
• Statement of Cash Flows
These four financial statements are the final product of the accountant's analysis of the transactions of a business. A large amount of effort goes into the preparation of the financial statements. The process begins with bookkeeping, which is just one step in the accounting process. Bookkeeping is the actual recording of the company's transactions, without any analysis of the information. Accountants evaluate and analyze the information, making sense out of the numbers