Sam Roi Yot is the name of this myth is that the bar area is large and small islands, marine lined. Once a Chinese junk sail boat faced extensive storm coming near to go bankrupt. But because the skill area. Ship collision with strike to go bankrupt. People drown the rest of the surviving bulk up live on the island, about 300 people have been named as "three hundred Island escape" per the official sea level has decreased. The villagers called out as "Khao Sam Roi Yot" Where the sunken ship, presumably the locals called "aothalesap" were found in the ruins of ancient ships mast mast. Some of the assumptions that There are many peaks, or up to 300 top
.2505 (1962) in the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives Ministry rule issued 100 given the Sam ROI Yod forest area about 99.50 square kilometers. As the forest protection act, and the conservation of forest. 2481, Buddhist publication reason said, because the plants are up and more massively, such as wood, sandalwood makha maklua samaesan. Later, these areas area about 61.28 square kilometers, has been declared a national park by the announcement in the Government Gazette Volume 83 episode 53 since June 28, 1966, when the National Park 4 in Thai and is the first Marine National Park