From time to time,the health-conscious public learns of another kind food or herd said to have the magic ability to cure cancer.The latest such overclaime produce is the Lin Jue mushroom.The FDA warms consumers that there is no medical evidence to support claim of anti-cancer properties.According to Dr. Banthao Uaku secretary of the FDA,It can be used as a remedy for cough,asthma,pain,didestive problems and insomnia.The mushroom is registered with the FDA in two formulas.The first,consisting solely of the Lin Jue mushroom,has been proven to improve overall health.The second formulas,a concoction of the mushroom and other substances,is effective in healing the above-mentioned condition.But neither have been found to reduces the effects of cancer In any case,in order to use the product safely and without hazardous side effects,it is recommended that consumer consult a physician for correct use