The study shows huge complex solid with multiple loculated cystic mass filled in entire abdomen with upward displacement of left hepatic lobe.
Normal size and parenchymal echogenicity of the visualized right lobe liver. A small simple cyst in RL is 1.2 cm No intrahepatic duct dilatation is seen.
The GB reveals thin-wall, no stone is noted. Normal caliber of intrahepatic common duct and Pv.
Mild left hydronephrosis by dilated calyces 10 mm, no detected of stone.
Normal spleen and right kidney.
The urinary bladder has smooth thin-wall, no mass nor VC.
Cannot seen the pancreas, aorta, uterus, both ovaries.
- Huge complex solid-multiloculated cystic tumor in entire abdomen malignancy with peritoneal metastasis are suggested. Undetermine origin. CT scan is recommended.
- A small right lobe hepatic cyst is noted.