Carla really wanted a puppy, but her parents didn't care for dogs. Most of her friends had dogs, and she really enjoyed playing with them. Every time she asked her parents, they would say, "They are a lot of responsibility. You have to feed and play with them. Also, when they are puppies, they needed to be trained." Although her parents didn't believe she was mature enough to have a dog, she knew that she take could care of one. Carla knew she wasn't the most responsible person when it came to taking care of her toys, but a puppy would be different. Each day she made a concentrated effort to pick up her toys and help out around the house. She knew her parents were pleased with her new, responsible attitude. She was hoping her hard work would finally pay off. When she came home from school, she heard a whining noise coming from a box with air holes. Could this be what she thought it was?