Beyond the middle part, not only the boss but also the skeleton adds' attacks have gradually become fiercer, delivering moderate amounts of damage to the players.
"Ghh...recovery! Hurry!"
"Yes!! ——《Round Heal》!"
The damage dealt to the tanks in the front had increased as time passed. Somehow the defence managed to maintain safety margin with enchants and heals, but against the Garm Phantom 50% or more HP was required as a safety margin.
Also, when we started fighting him, the giant wolf's pupils were reminiscent of deep darkness, but as he accumulated damage it became increasingly red, currently having purplish-red colour.
"《Zone Enchant》——Defence!"
A wide-area enchant for the nth time. Not only the boss' attack power was growing, also the interval between summoning of skeleton adds had gradually become shorter, the toll of a long-term battle shown itself.
For one of the measures to overcome that, I have tried to put cursed ATK on Garm Phantom, but the difference between our stats and its resistance resulted with a misfire.
With boss' attack increased, if we loss focus there's a risk of the boss breaking through defence line and damaging us.
"Next time, when we dispose of the adds everyone attack together! We'll cut him down at once!"
After the leader, Mikadzuchi said that Lucato on the right and Taku on the left in charge of their mobile troops have acknowledged in response, acting accordingly.
The parties that included Myu and others have hardened the defence against the Skeleton Raiders that sprung forth, starting to take distance from Garm Phantom.
In addition to that, the party in which Taku and others were also have retreated away from Garm Phantom in the same manner.
As the re-summoning of the skeletons repeated, the left and right mobile troops have optimized their actions, finding an easy way to process the adds in their behaviour patterns.
"Being attacked by small fries all the time sure is a turn-off. I'd like to do something more active like *smash* and *bam*."
"Oh well, to me this is fun, when I swing I hit a few of them at once and they fly like pinball."
It was Myu nonchalantly beating enemy Skeleton Raiders and Hino, swinging the hammer blowing away a number of enemies in the field along with a loud sound of wind being cut.
In the middle of the encirclement, Kohaku and Rirei began preparations for powerful magic, Lucato and Toutobi continued to assist.
"Ahh, come on! With this many there's no choice but to wipe a whole bunch at once! Hino-chan, please buy me some time."
"What? Are you doing something interesting? Sure. But cast recovery on me afterwards."
After saying so, Hino who did large swings with her hammer grasped it very high and started fighting with smaller and sharper swings for manoeuvrability. For the skeletons that have entered too close for the hammer's attack range and couldn't be hit properly, she beat them up with the hammer's handle.
Still, suddenly there was a larger burden on Hino because of which she was subjected to moderate damage, but soon enough Myu's preparations have completed.
"Go! ——《Sunlight Shower》!"
As Myu swung down her raised hand, light poured down in their surroundings.
The sunlight's reflection, as if amplified, the strong light dispelled the darkness of the night illuminating the surroundings.
The skeletons in the range of light were burned by it and decayed.
Most of the individuals who received the damage from light magic more powerful than 《Light Wave》 have disappeared and for those that endured it gradually turned into particles after being hit with just one blow.
While Myu and the others prepared area effect magic, Taku's side had prepared a simultaneous attack, processing enemies quickly.
To an extent where it won't decrease their capability during the simultaneous assault, the rearguard has delivered some damage with magic to the skeletons and the vanguard had reliably finished them off.
Despite the lack of powerful means of attack like Myu's, the enemy number had decreased in a stable manner. Emily-san's summoned mobs played a big role in attacking.
And, we who were protecting the front——
"Sei. When the adds are cleaned up, prepare magic for holding him down."
"I understand. That said, because of its size I can stop one leg at most."
"That's enough. As for Missy, strengthen mages before the attack."
In the tense atmosphere, the number of skeletons was reduced and finally the command had come.
"——《Icicle Lock》!"
"《Zone Enchant》——Intelligence."
Sei-nee's restraint and my enchant were invoked with almost exact same timing.
While cold has sprung up by the giant wolf's leg entwining it, my enchant had raised the base magic attack power of the mages going full frontal.
In addition to that, when the boss was held up and the aim settled, the left side let out a barrage of magic to earn chain bonus, raising the damage.
The right side's attack was Kohaku's and Rirei's combination magic that exploded dealing large amount of damage.
And the maximum of firepower in the front. As the giant wolf was rooted, the entire group of mages had their damage raised by the enchant and chain damage bonus, including Sei-nee they shoot all magic at once.
I scowled at multiple magic attack effects resonating together.
Fire and ice, storm and light. We have directed our attention to the aftermath and everyone had fixed their positions in preparation for the next attack.
In this place, no one had thought the raid boss was defeated, everyone hardened their defence, healed the damage and replenished MP with items.
However, in such a moment, anyone would like to say this.
" " "Did we get him?" " "
Immediately after the impact from the magic, a shockwave was emitted from the Garm Phantom surroundings.
I can understand wanting to say it, still, there was no need to purposely raise that kind of a flag. Not only that, it was said by multiple people.
"Tch. Everyone, defensive formation! The attack power has increased again!"
Subconsciously, Mikadzuchi clicked her tongue and issued a warning.
Garm Phantom's visible HP was cut down by 30% and his pupils turned from purplish-red to red, shining with atrocious light.
His movement was fast.
The vanguard in the front raised their shields towards him, in order to withstand the attack I applied an enchant on them.
In addition to that, the 【Shield】 Sense holders triggered a defensive arts together in a group, as we focused on defence Garm Phantom's thick front leg was swung along with a purple effect——and a part of the defence broke down.
The giant wolf's attack was caught from the front by the players in perfect formation and state, but it broke through.
——A deadly blow.
Those who endured that blow received damage taking down 60% of their HP, surpassing the safety margin of 50%, unable to withstand the impact their posture broke backwards and their damage was further reduced by 30%.
Some received damage to their armour and others have received a 【Stunned】 bad status.
It was a dangerous situation where they could receive another attack from Garm Phantom.
Although rearguard immediately recovered the vanguard, the giant wolf tried to break through the hole that opened in the defence.
"《Summon》——Everything available, come out!"
Originally, there should be no extra forces to use to fill the hole that opened in the front. However, there was a single player who could generate those forces.
"It's great that I made it in time."
An army of various mobs has confronted Garm Phantom. All of it was summoned by Emily-san, mobs that were made to function as a wall.
A golem made from earth and stones, Chimeras made of multiple beasts. Humanoids, insects, various irregular alchemic mobs, the synthetic mobs have attached themselves to the giant wolf's left front leg buying time.
"——《Icicle Lock》!"
"——《Mud Pool》!"
Sei-nee and I made an eye contact, then used rooting magic at the same time.
Sei-nee's 《Icicle Lock》 was cast on his back left leg and my 《Mud Pool》 has been activated at the front left leg, also engulfing the synthetic mobs in. Garm Phantom's body slanted towards the right side mobile troop.
Garm Phantom held out on just his free legs and tried to forcefully slip out, but the left side's hit and run troop has prevented it.
"Eat this!" "Stab stab stabbb!!" "HAaa!"
His legs big like logs were slashed by Taku's long sword held in both hands and repeatedly thrust at by Gantz and others to prevent him from rising.
"We're going in as well!