Seijurou," he heard her voice, "Finally you pick up my call. I thought something happened to you."
"I’m fine," he replied as he entered her room. He never imagined that he would really enter this girly room with dolls, pink bed-cover, and … wow, he never knew that Satsuki collected bath-powder and also basketball’s magazines.
"So, where are you? It’s almost midnight."
"I’m in your room," Seijurou said while he was sitting on the bed, "I know that you really love basket. But you never told me before that you have this girly things."
He was sure that now Satsuki was blushing.
"I-it’s not like that," perhaps she pouted now, "If you meant the dolls, well they were from Dai-chan. He always gave me dolls in my birthday when we were kids.”
Suddenly the smirk on his lips was gone after heard ‘Dai-chan' word.
He tried to clear his throat. “Oh. Does it mean that Daiki was romantic person inside?”
"Well," she giggled, "You can tell like that."
The silent was covering their atmosphere. Seijurou tried to find another topic to talk about with his wife. No idea, he didn’t understand why he had a strong will to hear Satsuki’s voice. Even he just talk to her this afternoon. Suddenly his eyes found something interesting on her buffet.
"Hey, I just see a pink hair baby and … naked," he chuckled with his eyes kept looking at the photo, "You’re cuter when you were baby."
She snorted. “Oh, stop talking like that. At least, I’m still beautiful now. And stop to look at the picture, that’s embarrassing you know.”
"Why you have to feel like that? I’ve seen you naked too. But don’t worry, you still look best when naked a week ago than in this picture."
She rolled her eyes and he could hear she snorted again. And then his eyes saw another picture on the buffet too. And Seijurou realized enough that he didn’t like this picture at all. It was showing his Satsuki with another men. Of course, Daiki. Who else?
"… Seijurou? Are you still there?"
"What? Oh yeah, I’m listening. I just see the picture of you and Daiki."
"Really? Which one?" she asked. He confused a bit until he found there were so many picture of them. It’s either since they were kids or when they were adult like now. He looked at the picture lazily.
"Well, you wear a pink dress and Daiki—what’s his clothes?" he paused until realized what he was gonna talk, "And he kisses your lips."
"Oh! I think that was taken when Dai-chan just proposed me to marry him. Well, what a nice moment at that time. Perhaps what people said about badass boy is right. You know, maybe they look like they don’t give a damn about something. But when they get it serious, they will show their true personality…”
Blablabla that was what he listened about. Somehow he felt disappointment after told her that he was finding her picture with her ex boyfriend. Like Seijurou gave a shit about her Dai-chan. Besides, the problem here was, why he should feel in this way when she kept talking about someone she loved?
Because I want her to say my name. Not anyone else