people on the internet just may post up rumours and none of it is true but books have facts in them, reliable facts. As a general rule, books are a more trustworthy source than the Internet –but that doesn’t mean that the Internet can’t be reliable too!
Why Isn’t The Internet As Reliable As A Book? The main reason that the Internet is less reliable than a book is because anybody can upload something to the internet. Online, you can say something without backing it up, whereas if you make a claim in a reference book, you have to be able to state your source.
Websites like Wikipedia allow anyone to make a contribution, and so there’s no telling how reliable they are – for all you know, somebody could have completely made the information up!
How To Tell If A Website Is Reliable Usually, if they cite their sources, there’s a good chance that the information is correct. If there are spelling and grammar errors, or the tone of the page doesn’t sound very professional, then you should think carefully before trusting it.
Company websites – or websites for things such as museums, art galleries and university research departments – pretty much have to be accurate, because they depend on people taking them seriously. Trust your judgement: If the website doesn’t seem as reliable as a book, it probably isn’t!