You are as pretty as any K-pop idol.
Before I got into K-pop, I didn’t think ANY of the SHINee members were attractive. I thought some of the girls were somewhat attractive, but tbh I didn’t REALLY like how high cheekbones looked, because they looked like pouches of face fat hanging off your face (LMAO DW this is when I was 12, before I was ‘affected’ by beauty standards - technically it’s what I really thought about how people looked).
THEN I got into K-pop, and I thought EVERYONE was hot. Then I got OUT of K-pop, and ‘realised’ that a lot of them were actually quite average looking. You guys have probably lead yourselves into false delusions that you aren’t pretty enough, or you aren’t beautiful. You probably take 'pride’ in being obsessed with Korean celebrities because you aren’t being like 'everyone else’ - being obsessed with American celebrities.
After so many years of being under the American standard of beauty, Asians have created their own standard - and now K-pop fans around the world are all saying 'WHY CAN’T I LOOK LIKE THAT, WHY CAN’T I HAVE PALE SKIN,’ or even 'WHY CAN’T I BE KOREAN’
HOLD UP - Did you all think you were ugly before this? Now I see people left and right saying that Asians (especially oriental) are beautiful in Kpop, when years ago you all would’ve called them plain and unattractive.
You guys are literally moulding your standards around K-pop idols so that you’ll find everyone attractive, and most of you of other races will never achieve the same effect with your face because you’re not Asian. If you try their style of makeup on yourself, it might not look that great, but sometimes being on the same level of attractiveness means you have to break away from this Asian standard and put on some bronzer or self tanner or whatever you have and play around with how you look. Just because one thing doesn’t suit you doesn’t mean you’re not attractive.
If you think you’re unattractive now, you can change anyway - I’m not sure if these people have had plastic surgery, but naturally, I don’t find these people’s faces attractive, and they’ve had to go through some regimes to actually look like 'idols. You could basically say that these people aren’t 'natural’ of wouldn’t look like this had they not been idols :
-Jessica (even though I like her, she did NOT look that great before)
- Nana (in her case she just had major plastic surgery, there’s not really any point in trying to look like her for all you fans that feel insecure when you see her)
-CL - pretty sure you guys know this, makeup makes her look HOT and you could literally do the same. Tbh you know i’m not lying when I say she definitely wasn’t considered pretty back then, but if she wasn’t pretty from the start then all you average people already have a running start.
Not trying to bash these people by the way, just saying they all look great now compared to before, so you shouldn’t just shrink behind them.
-Goo Hara - who’s constantly in top 10 polls even though she wasn’t much of a looker before.
There are probably more but I picked people who you guys are most likely to find attractive from the beginning, and MOSTLY not people who are considered the 'most unnatractive’ in the kpop world
I’m actually out of kpop and I have been out of it for years, but I sitll see people posting comments like 'I’ll never be as pretty as them’
uh, yes, you can be. You just need to try LIKE THEY TRIED. They tried SO hard and look at them now.