Given the continuing evolution and the endemicity
of H5N1 HPAI viruses in many countries, and the
catastrophic impacts to both poultry and human
health [3], rapid and sensitive diagnostic methods are
very important for early detection of H5N1 disease
outbreaks. The haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test
is one such method, being relatively quick to perform
and widely regarded as a reliable method for the detection
of antibodies to influenza viruses. The HI test
relies on the inhibition of the interaction between the
viral hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein and sialic acid
receptors on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) by
antibodies which are directed against the HA receptor
binding pocket [11]. This test is a simple and inexpensive
technique utilizing standard laboratory equipment,
and can be used for identification of avian
influenza virus subtypes as well as for measuring HA
specific antibodies to the virus [12]. For these reasons,
the HI test has been used extensively in epidemiological
studies of influenza virus [13]. Some
studies [14-16] have shown that the HI tests, using
various types of RBCs, were less sensitive than the
virus neutralization (VN) tests in detecting the antibody
response of humans who were naturally exposed
to influenza viruses. In contrast, others reported that
in some circumstances, the HI test using horse or
goose RBCs could be more sensitive than the
neutralization test [17]. These disparate findings suggest
that the sensitivity of serology tests can be variable,
and may depend on the particular materials or
methods that are used.
The sensitivity of the
Given the continuing evolution and the endemicityof H5N1 HPAI viruses in many countries, and thecatastrophic impacts to both poultry and humanhealth [3], rapid and sensitive diagnostic methods arevery important for early detection of H5N1 diseaseoutbreaks. The haemagglutination inhibition (HI) testis one such method, being relatively quick to performand widely regarded as a reliable method for the detectionof antibodies to influenza viruses. The HI testrelies on the inhibition of the interaction between theviral hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein and sialic acidreceptors on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) byantibodies which are directed against the HA receptorbinding pocket [11]. This test is a simple and inexpensivetechnique utilizing standard laboratory equipment,and can be used for identification of avianinfluenza virus subtypes as well as for measuring HAspecific antibodies to the virus [12]. For these reasons,the HI test has been used extensively in epidemiologicalstudies of influenza virus [13]. Somestudies [14-16] have shown that the HI tests, usingvarious types of RBCs, were less sensitive than thevirus neutralization (VN) tests in detecting the antibodyresponse of humans who were naturally exposedto influenza viruses. In contrast, others reported thatin some circumstances, the HI test using horse orgoose RBCs could be more sensitive than theneutralization test [17]. These disparate findings suggestที่ความไวของการทดสอบวิทยาเซรุ่มสามารถแปรและอาจขึ้นอยู่กับวัสดุและส่วนประกอบเฉพาะ หรือวิธีที่ใช้ความไวของการ
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..