my favorite subject at school is English. The whole concept of a strand of letters a symbol that makes such an uninteresting sound, but while group with others makes a word. And then a group of words make a sentence and from there paragraphs which lead to stories. Stories which in every sence of the world is shaped altered and mode by yor whim. Theentire plan of existance within the soty is under your cotrole from the very air to the people within it. You are as a God or could possibly be considered God. For isn't it by your choice your desire to make the world within the story as it is each and ever turn of the page every page which adds more to the world is utterly your and unike no other of it can exist ever again and it swells fills a book to form a world of its own where lives are held within and they livwe through there own times a time be it of happyness anf jpoy to sorrow and pain. the entire concept of it is so...intoxicating. That is why i love English for the writing is just amazingly unike and can neveer be exactly the same with what you are goin through and what is goin through your mind at the time it is a once in alifetime thing that even as you die it will remain and carry on a legacy for you.