One prominent theory in this literature is the secularization hypothesis, whereby
economic development causes individuals to become less religious, as measured by
church attendance and religious beliefs. The beliefs may refer to heaven, hell, an after life, God, and so on, or may just refer to tendencies of people to characterize themselves
as religious. The secularization hypothesis also encompasses the idea that economic
development causes organized religion to play a lesser role in political decision-making
and in social and legal processes more generally.
One prominent theory in this literature is the secularization hypothesis, wherebyeconomic development causes individuals to become less religious, as measured bychurch attendance and religious beliefs. The beliefs may refer to heaven, hell, an after life, God, and so on, or may just refer to tendencies of people to characterize themselvesas religious. The secularization hypothesis also encompasses the idea that economicdevelopment causes organized religion to play a lesser role in political decision-makingand in social and legal processes more generally.
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