4.1 Procedure
The subjects received the instrument in their classroom in a single booklet, containing the 84 questionnaire items in
random order. The questions could be answered using a three-point Likert scale, where students should express their
opinion about each assertion as follows: (1= Disagree; 2 = Indifferent; 3 = Agree). Maximum time to answer the
instrument was less than 30 minutes and all subjects agreed to participate in the research.
4.2 Data analyses
The data were analyzed as follows: First, a basic statistical analysis was performed to identify the mean, median, standard
deviation and relative frequency of each factor to be identified. Second, as the sample predominantly included white
females, the data were examined both with and without males and non-white subjects, to determine whether the inclusion
of these subjects influenced the pattern of findings. To check for differences in average scores for the three ASTAAA
factors, between the groups formed by men, women, whites and non-whites and interactions between gender and race, a
general linear model was used.