The actual and preferred perceptions of 134 biology students at Grade 11 of their biology classroom learning environments were measured with the QTI. The comparisons of the Actual Forms with the Preferred Form indicated that students would prefer more personalization, participation, independence, investigation, and differentiation in their science educational management class. In general, students’ perceptions of their preferred classroom science environment in science educational management class to be greater than what they actually perceive to be provided. The results of this study also indicate that using the QTI helps Sarakham Pittayakom School teachers in their educational institutes to gain a better picture of learning environment and the perceived learning needs of their students.
An investigation of the association between students’ perceptions of learning environments with their attitudes to their science educational management class, with regard to the QTI, it was found that all of five scales were positively associated with students’ attitude to science educational management class. The multiple correlation R is significant for the QTI and shows that when the scales are considered together there are significant associations with the Attitude Scale. The R2 values indicate that 44%, with actual and preferred forms of the valiance in students’ attitudes to their biology classroom learning environments was attributable to their perceptions of their biology classroom learning environments. The beta weights (β) show that in classes where the students perceived greater than all scales in their biology classroom learning environment lessons.
As described in the results section, Sarakhampittayakom’s students show similar answering patterns to those from other countries as reported in previous studies when they are asked to reply to the QTI questionnaire. Overall, Sarakhampittayakom’s students show relatively favourable perceptions of their science educational
management lessons, with the lowest score occurring for the Differentiation scale. It seems that biology classroom learning environments lesson activities related to biology classes are operated rather as supplementary to theory classes rather than being independently important in their own right.
Overall, this study replicated previous studies using the QTI, with the findings being consistent with the situation in Sarakhampittayakom School in Thailand. It is also noteworthy that this study showed distinctive and more positive learning environment perceptions among students from the biology upper secondary education level at Grade 11, interestingly.