A globe, like the Earth it represents,is a shaped -that is,it's shaped like an orange. Holding and turning a globe gives you a number of views of Earth. With a globe, you can see at one time what half of Earth looks like. Although a globe is the best way to represent all of Earth at once, globes are not handy to carry around. Also, Earth is so large that a globe can show few details of its surface. For these reasons, geographers make flat drawings of Earth, and of parts of Earth, called maps. On a flat world map you can see all of Earth at once. And flat maps are easy to carry and store! When map makers create flat world maps, they often change Earth's size and shape. Earth's oceans and continents appear out of shape. Some are the wrong size in relation to others. You can understand why by noticing what happens when you cut an orange peed and try to flatten it,as in the illustration.