Named after the founder of Rotary International, the Foundation Chairperson grants the Paul Harris Fellow award to those Rotarians who have donated at least $1000 to the Rotary Foundation. These are the members and former members of the Blowing Rock Rotary Club who earned the Paul Harris Fellow award. Those with the designation PHF after their name have given more than $1000, with the number after PHF being how many additional thousands they have given. John Albright#Walton C. Allen *Web Alexander #Richard E. Arey *James D. Ayoub#Stanley E. Bania *Homer Barrett *William C. Bauknight #Brian C. Bennet#John D. Bradsher #JoAnn Bradsher @William H. Burrow #John W. CalvinMike CapristoOrian C. Carter PHF+1Ronald G. Catlett #Jim Clabough PHF+1Karen Clabouigh@Rodney W. Clark #Richard M. Crandell #Raymond E. Daly #Robert G. Darst #Rita DavisWilliam W. Dodge III*Vernon DunnE. Frank Fary, Jr. PHF+1Robert B. Gibson *Larry Greene#Charles HardinMaurice R. Harrison *Jerry Hutchens#Adam Hill#Lynn S. HillScott Hildebrand#W. Joseph Hopkins *Larry Houk#Betty Carol Howe PHF+1John W. Jackson #Brita JarndallVan JoffrionJonathan M. Jones #Mike KebelbeckJoe Kiker#Henry R. Knoll #Wiliiam F. Koerschner* PHF+2J.B. LawrenceWilliam F. LeaheyKitty LumpkinCharles H. Marcotte #John MarshallWiliiam H. Mason*Annete Green-Mayes PHF+1 #James H. Mayes* PHF+1Sabine B. Miller PHF+1Cobb Milner, Jr.#