Help needed, I'm trying to build a controller for Temperature, Humidity and later other parameters using a 20x4 LCD and 4x4 keypad, to enter values rather than up,down, left, right buttons.
I used a subroutine called 'mainLCDLoop' to control the backend of LCD menus for navigating setting setpoints menus which I want to Press 'A' to enter Temperature settings, Press B for Humidity at this point.
With respect to the temperature settings, I want to press 'A' again to call TempLow() subroutine to allow me to enter a new temperature and then save it.
Currently I have tried the TempLow() subroutine by calling it inside a test program inside the loop and it works, however when I place it inside the mainLCDLoop() it does not work correctly. I get value = 0 on the terminal window. I would be grateful for some direction on where I may be going wrong so I can try to sort this out?